This Not That!
It hit me no less than twenty minutes ago while I was in the shower - I should do a Substack! I spend a lot of my time discovering, researching, buying and obsessing over things, and it struck me as a pretty fun idea to share some of them here with you. As you may or may not know, I already do a record review blog called Yellow Green Red, and while music will probably come into play here at some point, I plan on using This Not That for basically anything, really - books, clothes, tchotchkes (definitely tchotchkes), creams, snacks, scents, candles… okay, I’ll stop before this starts to sound too much like the Goop splash page.
I intend to share one thing per week, delivered on Fridays, because that’s one of the best days of the week and I want to keep the mood heartening and light. No gods, no masters, no ads, no sponsors, just me speaking from the heart (albeit a heart long-poisoned by capitalism) about things that move me. Subscribe now, if you please!
Gonna go ahead and start cooking up my inaugural newsletter for this Friday. In the meantime, tell your friends!